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The largest number of users in the field of research and development in Japan, with 30,000 users

Achieve a career
transition that
research skills.
A platform specialized for
career changes
and side jobs for researchers

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Find a new position in a company or academia

FEATURE – 01Find a new position
in a company or academia

You will find a position where you can utilize your research skills. Upon request, our specialists will also support you in scheduling interviews with companies and negotiating annual salaries after job offers are made.

Examples of Job Changes in Company and Academia

  • PhD holder Academic researcher
    → Drug discovery start-up Annual income up 2,000,000yen
  • PhD holder Researcher at University A
    → Get a job at University B overseas
Find a side job that utilizes your expertise

FEATURE – 02Find a side job that utilizes your expertise

Examples of side jobs

  • Spot consulting 30,000-50,000yen / 1 hour

    Provide knowledge of experimental and analytical methods and technological trends
  • Outsourcing contract 300,000yen / 50 hours per month

    Paper Commentary
Find collaborative research partners

FEATURE – 03Find collaborative research partners

We support collaborative research with companies and other researchers.

Support for starting a business is available

FEATURE – 04Support for starting a business is available

The CXO class of the startup will help commercialize the research.

Researchers can catch up on necessary information through seminars and emails

FEATURE – 05 Researchers can catch up on necessary information through seminars and emails.

We provide seminars by leading researchers and useful information for researchers via email.

Find the right way to work
for your research today at CoA Researcher!

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Find a company/research institute that can benefit from your expertise

Find a company/research institute that
benefit from your expertise


Find the right way to work
for your research today at CoA Researcher!

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