
1st CoA Career

The 1st Company-Academia Career (CoA Career) aims to recruit PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows, & visiting PhD students for top laboratories.
Keynote speech & introduction video are available to learn research of the laboratories.
The PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows, & visiting PhD students have opportunity to discuss with laboratory heads of the laboratories directly.

The 1st CoA Career is in the field of NANOMEDICINE.

Event Overview

  • Topic: Advancing Nanomedicine
  • Date: August 29th
  • Time: 09:00am (AEST)
  • Place: Zoom Webinars(Online Platform)
  • Charge: Free
  • Attendees: PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows, & visiting PhD students worldwide

Keynote Speaker 1

Mauro Ferrari

Affiliate Professor Mauro Ferrari is a pioneer of nanomedicine, transport oncophysics, and nanotechnology. He leads his laboratory at University of Washinton and he is actively engaged on these fronts, in particular in a DoD-funded endeavor to develop cures against metastatic breast cancer. In his career, he has overseen the clinical translation of dozens of new drugs and medical devices. An active scientist-entrepreneur, he presided over the European Research Council. His current entrepreneurial engagements are with BrYet US (President and CEO) and Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals (Director).

Keynote Speaker 2

Joy Wolfram

Associate Professor Joy Wolfram leads a nanomedicine and extracellular vesicle research program with the goal of developing innovative approaches that bring the next generation of treatments directly to the clinic. She has joint appointments in the School of Chemical Engineering and the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology at The University of Queensland, Australia (#36 in Best Global Universities, U.S. News & World Report). She has more than 80 publications that have been cited 12,000 times (Google Scholar). She has collaborated with 160 universities and industry partners across 45 countries (Scopus). She is actively involved in community outreach and education, including previous roles as the Chair of an education and outreach working group of the National Institutes of Health in the United States and the Associate Program Director of the PhD Program in Regenerative Sciences at Mayo Clinic (Best Hospital in the World, Newsweek). As a TED speaker, she strives to bring science to a wider audience.
Resister Now

※Registration Dead Line : August 28, 19 pm(AEST)


Joy Wolfram

School of Chemical Engineering, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology – The University of Queensland

Mauro Ferrari

Mauro Ferrari : Department of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutics Adjunct & Affiliate Faculty – The University of Washington

Carlos Salomon

Centre for Clinical Research Faculty of Medicine – The University of Queensland

Postdoctoral fellows participate in discussion workshop.

Amirali Popat

Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences – The University of Queensland

Postdoctoral fellows participate in discussion workshop.

Peter Wich

Peter Wich : School of Chemical
Engineering – The University
of New South Wales

We work at the interface of nanotechnology and bioorganic chemistry, modifying biopolymers for new multifunctional and biocompatible materials.

Job Position

Assistant Professor Post-Doctoral Fellow PhD. Student
Joy Wolfram
No AUD 92,885.64+ per year/1 year+ AUD ~32K per year (tax free)/3-3.5 years
Mauro Ferrari
No Yes
(To be determined)
Carlos Salomon
(To be shared on event) (To be shared on event) (To be shared on event)
Amirali Popat
No No UQ scholarship
(~30K per year)
Peter Wich
No AUD 100,000/year AUD 38,000/year

Time Table(AEST)

  • 09:00am-09:05am Opening by Srust
  • 09:05am-09:15am Keynote Speech 1 – Mauro Ferrari
  • 09:15am-09:25am Keynote Speech 2 – Joy Wolfram 
  • 09:25am-09:40am Short Introductions – Carlos Salomon, Amirali Popat, Peter Wich
  • 09:40am-10:05am Discussion Workshop 1
  • 10:05am-10:10am Break & Move Room
  • 10:10am-10:35am Discussion Workshop 2
  • 10:35am-10:40am Closing by Srust

The workshop is rotation type and includes three sections. Participants visits three laboratories in order.

  1. Short introduciton from laboratory heads (within 5 minutes)
  2. Answer to pre-collected questions
    Pre-collected questions can be registerd at the time of your registration.
  3. Free Discussion

※1 section has 25 minutes including moving to the next laboratory for 3 minutes.

Resister Now

※Registration Dead Line : August 28, 19 pm(AEST)

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it cost to join?

Admission is free!

How to join this event

Please apply from our registration form.
We will send you an zoom link prior to the event.

Resister Now

※Registration Dead Line : August 28, 19 pm(AEST)

CoA Nexus総合トップ